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One Step Forward "By the Numbers" - Part 2

In this second installment of "OSF By the Numbers", we focus on OSF caller demographics from our first year (2015-2016) including who called, gender of caller, marriage number, separation status, and civil divorce status.

Most OSF callers reached out on their own for support and guidance. However, about 15% of callers reached out on behalf of friends or family. In terms of gender, 90% of calls are from or on behalf of women while 10% of callers are men.


OSF fielded calls from individuals at all stages of the separation and divorce processes. Almost 1/4 of callers were still living together with their spouse and another 1/4 of callers were separated for less than one year. Prior to launching One Step Forward, ORA was receiving calls from individuals who were typically separated for 3 years. Now, almost 75% of callers report being separated for less than 3 years.

Callers also provided information about whether they were previously married. 82% of callers were in their first marriage, while 18% of callers had been married at least once before.


Lastly, callers reached out at every stage in the divorce process. About two thirds (69%) of callers were not civilly divorced and, of those callers, half had already filed for divorce and half had not filed. Of note, about 22% of callers to OSF were already civilly divorced and required assistance with the Get process or with post-divorce legal, financial, or social issues.

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